Zabiegi bankietowe


ZABIEG BANKIETOWY ZŁOTO (GOLD) – ekskluzywny zabieg przeciwzmarszczkowy z maską kolagenową z 24 karatowym złotem – stymuluje do produkcji kolagenu i elastyny, wygładza drobne zmarszczki i linie, odświeża, łagodzi, niweluje obrzęki.

Zabieg zapewnia błyskawiczną regenerację skóry, likwiduje oznaki starzenia, zapewnia prawidłowe nawilżenie.
Po zabiegu skóra jest zrelaksowana, napięta i rozświetlona.

Czas trwania: ok. 60 min.
Koszt zabiegu: 220 PLN


Caviar Protection – Kawiorowy zabieg przeciwzmarszczkowy powoduje natychmiastowy efekt ujędrnienia i napięcia. Rozjaśnia, wygładza i intensywnie odżywia. Maska kawiorowa zawiera czysty ekstrakt z kawioru bogaty w substancje odżywcze i minerały oraz witaminy. Zawiera także innowacyjny składnik Pepha – Tight wzmacniający i napinający tkankę łączną na dłuższy czas.
Polecany dla skóry dojrzałej i wymagającej.

Czas trwania: ok. 60 min.
Koszt zabiegu: 220 PLN

Facial treatments

Professional treatment for all skin types, a variety of rituals, which take us on a wonderful journey through the world of beauty and well-being. All of these professional treatments are based on a specialized manual massage, provided by the best consultants – spa & wellness. These original and exclusive treatments provide excellent and effective functioning of the mind and ensure visible and lasting results.

Treatments individual selected to the type and specific needs of the skin, improving the condition and ensure its beautiful appearance. They combine the phase of purification and peeling of the application working intensive pure serum and mask, which stimulates the skin to rebuild and help you resolve problems. Performed during the facial massage treatment increases the effectiveness of preparations used, and has a relaxing effect.


Treatment Banquet Gold (Gold) – an exclusive anti-wrinkle treatment with collagen mask with 24 carat gold, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, refreshes, soothes, reduces swelling. The procedure provides a rapid regeneration of the skin, removes signs of aging, ensures proper hydration.
The skin is relaxed, soft and luminous.

Duration: about 60 minutes
Price: 220 PLN


Protection Caviar – Caviar wrinkle treatment
Instant firming effect and tension. Brightens, smoothes and nourishes intensely. Mask contains pure caviar caviar extract rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. It also contains an innovative ingredient Pepha – Tight strengthening and tissue tension for a long time.
Recommended for mature and demanding.

Duration: about 60 minutes
Price: 220 PLN


Cleansing treatment designed for oily skin, problematic, with the overproduction of sebum. Instantly cleanses, regenerates and reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands.
Price of treatment:

  • The full treatment 180 PLN / 45 – 60 minutes
  • Enzyme peeling + mask 130 PLN / 40 minutes
  • Planto Minerals Scrub + algae mask 130 PLN / 40 minutes
  • Cavitation peeling + mask 140 PLN / 40 minutes
  • Facial massage + mask 140 PLN / 45 minutes



Cleansing – normalizing treatment is designed for young skin – oily and combination and mature, which needs a strong and comprehensive cleansing renewal.
Zinc contained in cosmetics absorbs excess sebum that accumulates in the pores and normalize its production processes. Revitalizes the skin, removing microdamage and irritation.
Vitamin B3 enhances skin lipid barrier, so that it becomes more resilient to adverse external factors, firms skin, improves its structure. It also helps to align the color of the skin, has anti-inflammatory.

Price: 180 PLN
Duration: about 60 minutes

AGE CONTROL – treatment for mature skin


Intensive rejuvenating treatment, smoothes, nourishes, revitalizes the skin, strengthens the immune system of the skin, stimulates the production of new cells, intensive firms. It is recommended for mature skin.
Duration: about 60 minutes
Treatment available in three versions depending on the type of mask used in the treatment::

  • 140 PLN – treatment in the basic version with cream mask (basic)
  • 180 PLN – optimal version treatment with a mask in the tablet (optimal)
  • 220 PLN – treatment in an exclusive version with a unique, luxurious, artistic algae mask Deep Impact (exclusive)


STRESS BALANCE – soothing treatment


It gives an instant soothing effect of skin-soothing irritated, red and tense.
Provides comfort and restores the natural protective barrier, become resistant, anti-stress work.
Recommended for sensitive or temporarily irritated.
Duration: about 60 minutes
Treatment available in three versions depending on the type of mask used in the treatment::

  • 140 PLN – treatment in the basic version with cream mask (basic)
  • 180 PLN – optimal version treatment with a mask in the tablet (optimal)
  • 220 PLN – treatment in an exclusive version with a unique, luxurious, artistic algae mask Deep Impact (exclusive)


HYDRO BALANCE – intensive moisturizing treatment


It provides instant moisture for prolonged action, smoothes the skin, restores balance and radiance.
Recommended for dry or temporarily dehydrated.
Duration: about 60 minutes
Treatment available in three versions depending on the type of mask used in the treatment::

  • 140 PLN – treatment in the basic version with cream mask (basic)
  • 180 PLN – optimal version treatment with a mask in the tablet (optimal)
  • 220 PLN – treatment in an exclusive version with a unique, luxurious, artistic algae mask Deep Impact (exclusive)


VITAL BALANCE – nourishing and revitalizing


Recommended for skin tired, stressed or lacking energy.
Duration: about 60 minutes
Treatment available in three versions depending on the type of mask used in the treatment::

  • 140 PLN – treatment in the basic version with cream mask (basic)
  • 180 PLN – optimal treatment with a mask in the tablet (optimal)
  • 220 PLN – treatment in an exclusive version with a unique, luxurious, artistic algae mask Deep Impact (exclusive)




The treatment is recommended for all skin types especially vascular, acne, very sensitive. The use of natural forms softening (extract from aloe pulp) does not heat up the tissue damage and swelling of intercellular spaces. High quality natural treatment guarantee, hypoallergenic products containing plant extracts and minerals from the Dead Sea.
Price of treatment:
face 220 PLN
face + neck 270 PLN
back 220 PLN
Duration: from 1-2 hours depending on skin condition

Specialist treatments



Mechanical peeling layers of the epidermis. The treatment improves the functioning of the skin removes acne, discoloration, wrinkles, dry skin. The treatment can be performed on all types of skin, both on the face, neck , as well as in other parts of the body.
Procedure involving mechanical peeling layers of skin using a special device with overlapping heads, covered with crystals of natural diamond. Mechanical peeling layers of the epidermis. The treatment improves the functioning of the skin removes acne, discoloration, wrinkles, dry skin. The treatment can be performed on all types of skin, both on the face, neck, as well as in other parts of the body.

Price of treatment:

  • Face + application serum or ampoules selected to the needs of the skin
    140 PLN / duration about 30 minutes
  • Face + application serum or ampoules selected to the needs of the skin + mask matched to the needs of the facial skin
    180 PLN / duration about 45 minutes
  • Face + neck + decolletage + application serum or ampoules application selected to the needs of the skin + mask matched to the needs of the skin
    220 PLN / duration about 55 minutes
  • Shoulders + application serum or ampoules selected to the needs of the skin
    160 PLN / duration about 30 minutes




Almond Scrub is a procedure having a rejuvenating and regenerating for all skin types, even the most delicate. Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands and cells responsible for the formation of pigment in the skin. Allows treatments throughout the year, also in the summer without the risk of skin sensitivity to the sun and the occurrence of hyperpigmentation.
– After sun spots, pigmentary disorders, skin aging and photoaging, acne vulgaris, seborrheic skin
– Can be used without restriction in people sunbathing and tanning in the sun.
This treatment prepares the skin for sun-bathing. Removes colour stains, enhances colour, and smoothes the skin. Prevents discoloration after sunbathing and provides a beautiful and even sun-tan.
Duration: 45 minutes
Price of treatment:

  • face: 140 PLN
  • face + neck: 180 PLN
  • back: 180 PLN

Almond scrub + Microdermabrasion (face)
Duration: 50 minutes
Surgery Price: 220 PLN




Cleansing the skin using ultrasonic vibration, enriched with micro-massage.
Gently cleanses and exfoliates the skin, removes excess sebum and regenerative works.
Effects of treatment:

  • Reduces discoloration of epidermal
  • Painlessly cleans the skin of the face, neck and décolleté
  • Helps to treat acne
  • Regenerates the skin and facial muscles through micro-massage
  • Improves the structure of scars
  • Leaves a remarkably bright and refreshed skin

Price of treatment:

Basic treatment:

  • Face: 70 PLN / 15 minutes
  • ace + neck: 90 PLN / 20 minutes

Cavitation peeling + iontophoresis (ampoule):

  • Face: 90 PLN / 25 minutes
  • Face + neck: 110 PLN / 35 minutes

Cavitation peeling + Sonophoresis + algae mask:

  • Face: 140 PLN + face massage: 180 PLN / about 1 hour
  • Face + neck: 180 PLN + face massage: 220 PLN / about 1 hour

Cavitation peeling + Sonophoresis + crystal collagen

  • Face: 140 PLN + face massage: 180 PLN / about 1 hour
  • Face + neck: 180 PLN + face massage: 220 PLN / cabout 1 houra 1h

Cavitation peeling + Almond scrub (face) 180 PLN/about 60 minutes
Cavitation peeling + Almond scrub (face + decolletage) 220 PLN/about 60 minutes

RF- RADIO FREQUENCY (radio waves)


Radio waves – during the procedure by the operation of the radio wave is produced endogenous heat (generated inside), followed by selective heating of tissues.
Radio Frequency (RF) treatment uses electrical pulses to effectively tighten skin and reduce wrinkles. It works by selectively delivering heat energy to the middle and lower levels of skin stimulating new collagen growth. Radio Frequency technology remains a popular procedure because it can deeply penetrate the lower levels of skin without causing any damage to the surface.
Generally, results following Radio Frequency treatment are not as dramatic as traditional facelifts. However, unlike many facelifts, Radio Frequency treatment isn’t a surgical procedure, which means you can return back to your daily routine almost immediately.
This process accelerates the reduction of cellulite and visibly smooths skin texture.
Temperatuty growth (45-55 ° C) stimulates the production of endogenous endorphins (hormone of happiness), and causes muscle relaxation, which positively affects the well-being.

Treatment FREQUENCY radio (rejuvenating energy) are:

  • Deep and long-term renewal
  • The most effective method of stiffening
  • The effect is visible after a surgery and is amplified in approximately 3 months

Effects of treatment on the face:

  • Improve the contours of your face (rejuvenation)
  • Improvement of tension around the eyes (lift drooping eyelids)
  • Lifting the face and neck (firming)
  • Shallowing of wrinkles (synthesis of collagen and elastin)

Duration: 20 minutes
The frequency of treatments for the face: 2-5 treatments every 2 weeks
Price: 140 PLN
Radio Frequency + algae mask 220 PLN
Radio Frequency 80 PLN with the other selected treatment for face from 180 PLN


Algae Mask


Masks from alginate which are appropriately prepared from the cell walls of algae, enriched ingredients and specially selected depending on the desired effect. Resting under the mask is a real treat for the skin.
Price: 70 PLN

Pielęgnacja skóry męskiej


Zabieg Czysta Przyjemność specjalnie przeznaczony jest dla męskiej skóry.
Zawarty w kosmetykach cynk absorbuje nadmiar sebum kumulującego się w porach oraz normalizuje procesy jego wytwarzania. Rewitalizuje naskórek, likwidując mikrouszkodzenia i podrażnienia.
Witamina B3 wzmacnia barierę lipidową skóry, dzięki czemu staje się ona bardziej odporna na niekorzystne czynniki zewnętrzne.

Cena zabiegu: 220 PLN
Czas trwania: ok. 60 min.

Eye Care

Special treatment for sensitive parts of the eyes. You can either choose treatment which reduces the swelling of the eyes, or anti – wrinkle treatment. The results of the treatment are spectacular and complete safety is assured.


Care around the eyes:


  • Amazing look – a treatment based on the massage balls with glass lids, providing excellent drainage and relaxing effect, at the end of surgery to choose from:
  • algae mask – including vitamin E, essential in the fight against wrinkles, while moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin around the eyes.
  • crystalline collagen – the technology provides better penetration active ingredients. Smooths wrinkles, lightens dark circles under the eyes and eliminates swelling.

Price: 70 PLN
Duration: about 30 minutes.

* The cost of the other facial surgery: 50 PLN

Maski pielęgnacyjne

MASKA ALGOWA – błyskawiczny efekt

Maski z alginatu są to odpowiednio spreparowane ścianki komórkowe alg. Wzbogacane są dodatkowo specjalnie dobranymi składnikami w zależności od pożądanego efektu. Kiedy maska nałożona jest na skórę odpoczywa ona intensywnie. Po zabiegu skóra jest wyciszona i głęboko nawilżona. Dzięki masce algowej nałożony później makijaż utrzymuje się dłużej na skórze. Idealnie nadaje się na szybką regenerację, która sprawa, że cera staje się promienna.

Cena zabiegu: 70 PLN
Czas trwania: ok. 30 min.


Zabieg można rozszerzyć o aromaterapeutyczny masaż twarzy.

Cena zabiegu: 130 PLN
Czas trwania: ok. 60 min.

Facial massage

Aromatherapy massage


Relaxing, gentle massage on the basis of a substance with properties matched to the needs of the facial skin.

Price: 70 PLN
Duration: 30 minutes


Dancing butterflies


Very gentle massage of the face and neck, performed by special brushes with natural bristles, introduces a state of total relaxation.

Price: 70 PLN
Duration: 30 minutes

Draining massage with glass balls


Gentle massage with glass balls are an excellent option for sensitive skin, vascular and irritated. Massage balls have characteristics of drainage and lymphatic edema. Ideal relaxing and soothing.

Price: 70 PLN
Duration: 30 minutes


Facial massage + algae mask / clay mask


Price: 130 PLN
Duration: about 45 minutes